The movie Space begins with a question and answer time with Dr. Ada Gray as she and the rest of the crew of the Udo are traveling to seed nanites on a planetoid. It is shown as if you are watching a news program with a streamer running along the bottom of the screen of stories and stocks. In the time she answers most of the questions we learn the world is in dire straits.
The synopsis for Space reads "In the year 2050, Dr. Ada Gray and her fellow astronauts aboard The Udo fight for survival after an accident leaves them stranded in deep space." But the story provides more than just a terror ride in space.
Lara Jean Sullivan as Dr Ada Gray
The Plot
Space is the story of Dr. Gray. Throughout the movie, she is the focal point, and represents different elements for each the crew member, including herself, on how they see the lone woman of a crew of five.
It is more than just the good doctor's story. The movie is a metaphor for the events introduced at the beginning and the path the Earth is on. I'm a sucker for good plot points and subtext written into a story. These are presented in a slow burn to build the tension.
Kurt Quinn as Evan Durand
Visual Impact
Most of Space is presented as if you are watching everything from cameras mounted on the ship. This includes the use of split screens and electronic interference. Many times it appears that the characters are talking directly to the audience. All of this, like the opening scene, places the audience more in the role of an audience watching on an electronic screen and not as an interloper in the story. The parts of the movie not in this format are in the flashback scenes of the crew building a retreat in the desert.
Michael Klug as Captain Phil King
The Cast
There are five main characters the story revolves around. The cast portrayed the characters in a manner that brings out the issues each is dealing with.
The lead character is Dr. Ada Gray played by Lara Jean Sullivan (Malvolia: The Queen of Screams). She is a strong independent woman who claims not to be afraid of anything, but shows fears and works hard to compensate. Dr. Gray is the science person in charge (and her first name means "nobility") of the nanites and with her rests hope. Sullivan provides a strong performance that incorporates the subtleties of the character.
Captain Phil King is portrayed by Michael Klug (House of Black Wings). He presents the leader who in many ways is running from his past and only has the unknown to run toward. Klug's performance shows the distance the captain keeps, even when he doesn't want it. His second is Tom "Tomcat" McMahon, a veteran, who is the closest thing to a friend the captain has. Jim Hilton takes on this role in his first feature film and provides the character who maintains faith in the past and the hope for the next generation.
The final two members of the crew are the pilot Evan Durand and Mitch "the bitch" Justin. Evan is played by Kurt Quinn (Mancamp) while Mitch is portrayed by Michael Terry (Stargate Origins). The characters provide the loss of faith in the past and the egotistical approach to problems.
Because of the use of camera angles and setup, the acting was focused in on the faces and not large physical movements. That can be a tough job and these people did it well.
Jim Hilton as Tomcat
Space is a good movie for those who like to dig deeper into the story. There isn't a lot of action, and because of the filming format used, the action is usually condensed to the expressions and limited actions of the characters. At times the pacing felt slow, but the overall impact works.
I'm working at keeping my material free of subscription charges by supplementing costs by being an Amazon Associate and having advertising appear. I earn a fee when people make purchases of qualified products from Amazon when they enter the site from a link on Guild Master Gaming and when people click on an ad. If you do either, thank you.
If you have a comment, suggestion, or critique please leave a comment here or send an email to
I have articles being published by others and you can find most of them on Guild Master Gaming on Facebookand Twitter(@GuildMstrGmng).
I'd like to finish the basing on the Dwarves as well as their artillery before the end of the year but I'm burnt out on them for now. I headed back to the Void Spinners (third times the charm) and finish 2 of them. I hope to finish the third, touch-up the black highlights and de-gloss them this weekend.
This is what I managed to get done last week before Fall In! I finished the skin and hair on the dwarves, and got them on bases along with the ballast. The decals didn't end up working out, they printed poorly and I found myself touching them up far too much. I scrapped the idea and painted simple patterns on the shields to differentiate the Warriors. I'll got back and match the shield pattens on the banners as well.
The general still is a work-in-progress, I'm converting him up along with an unreleased musician. I did manage to get some good decal prints for him and the Anvil, they'll be the only two in the army.
Another big favourite here at YG is the English Civil War and it's hard to believe that it is over 3 years since this lot last saw the light of day !
Edgehill is of course the first major action in the ECW and many who saw action that day would be getting their first taste of battle. I have decided to break this up into two reports, this the first on will cover the set up and orders of battle whilst the follow up will cover the refight itself.
Information on the Battle is avaliable from a multitude of sources so I don't intend to harp on about the build up but instead give you a wargamers view of setting up the clash.
Parliament Cavalry on the trot
A Word on Rules and the like Like most periods we are a little off piste when it comes to rules, for the ECW we use a modified version of Forlorn Hope. I "modernised" the basics over 10 years ago and they have worked well ever since.
The figure ratio for the game is approximately 33:1 and that has worked perfectly for this particular battle in terms of figures avaliable and the 12 x 6 table here. One good thing carried over from the original set is that each Infantry unit has a set number of figures and rather than individually counting Pike numbers and Shot numbers the unit is given a ratio of Pike to Musket.
Figures are 28mm from a collection of manufacturers including Perrys, Bicorne, Warlord and Renegade.
Royalist Foot Advancing early in the Battle
Table Set Up and Terrain For this I have used the medium of video ! How modern of me. For some reason the sound didn't work on the footage so I have gone for some snazzy subtitles in stead.
I managed to locate a number of maps of the Battle all of which differed in some way. The troop set up seems to be pretty constant but some maps show enclosures, a brook, small woods etc it's difficult to tell what was present on the day and what is a modern interpretation.
However I don't recall reading of the terrain having any massive affect on the Battle so I chose to leave the table relatively sparse and just the the armies get on with it.
Orders of Battle There is a very good OOB at the link below,
So the list below is my interpretation of that for the game with the following notes,
1. Forlorn Hope rules have army lists for each year of the war in each theatre, these generate troop morale classes, pike:shot ratios etc by rolling dice, this is how the factors have been determined. So for this stage of the war there are no Veteran Infantry.
2. We rolled particularly well for Ruperts Cavalry but if you don't I would suggest for realisms sake that if you have a "name" unit in a brigade, roll up the entire brigade and allocate the best rolled factor to the best unit.
3. I was unable to find any break down of the total numbers (on the orbat above) other than Rupert having around 1700 Cavalry vs 1300 to his fore. Therefore I have had to estimate the size of the infantry units dividing the numbers present by 33 and then filling up the numbers required in each area with the units in our collection. Our rules need Infantry units at least 16 figures and Cavalry of at least 6, so the eagle eyed will notice the odd unit missing in name from our game, however the men of that unit have been spread across that particular command.
4. Forlorn Hope has a sub morale class of Elite, this can be tagged to any units basic morale and reflects an over confidence not necessarily linked to ability.
Prince Rupert, Standard Bearer and of course his dog "Boy"
The Royalist Army
C in C King Charles LV1 General of Foot Sir Jacob Astley LV2 General of Horse Prince Rupert LV3 (may not use LV to stop pursuits)
Prince Maurice Brig of Horse LV2 Ruperts Horse - Veteran Elite Gallopers - 12 Figures Kings Lifeguard - Raw Elite Gallopers - 12 Figures Maurices Horse - Veteran Elite Gallopers - 9 Figures Prince of Wales Horse - Raw Gallopers - 9 Figures
Lord Byrons Brig of Horse LV1 Lord Byrons Horse - Trained Elite Gallopers - 9 Figures
So, at this point, I'm a week late for a new episode. Don't fear, a new one is coming. Probably next week. I recognize that I've skipped weeks before and haven't ever said why, except perhaps in passing. Normally, it's because I'm off performing my two weeks of annual training for the National Guard. But not this time.
It's like this. I need to get my life to a better place. Mainly with my health, but also my relationship with my wife and kids. I have high blood glucose and I need to get it under control. I've drastically altered my diet and am exercising more. That means earlier mornings, which require earlier nights. That means less time for recording and editing and everything else that goes into making the podcast.
If you're reading this, I assume you're a regular listener. For that I thank you. I owe you quite a bit. For example, I owe you more and better content. It's coming. Exactly what form that is, I don't know.
But back to my main point.
I'm exercising more, eating better, working harder on my Cub Scout commitments (I'm Cub Master for the Pack my son is in), working harder in my National Guard posting (Senior Platoon Trainer NCO for Officer Candidate School), and wanting to do more "hobby stuff." All of this takes time. Unfortunately, all of these things take a higher priority than simply banging out a podcast when it comes due.
Now, there is some cross-pollination in there. It's especially evident when it comes to my National Guard pursuits and my hobby. For example, Henry Hyde will be publishing an article I wrote as a direct result of my recent military education. Additionally, I'll be writing about my experience in planning a staff ride for the Officer Candidates. More on that later. Furthermore, I'm planning more articles for Henry.
As for the hobby stuff, I want to spend more time with my kids. Luckily, they both want to paint figures with me and play more games. Anticipate that generating more content for the podcast and maybe more blog posts here. For example, the projects I'm actively pursuing include: - A semi-secret Seven-Years War project - My son's 40k Orks - A Full Thrust project using Halo ships - A microarmor game I'm developing with my brother Chris - Rommel in 3mm - The Commands & Colors Epic Fantasy (not BattleLore) project (and I might have a writing partner for this one now) - The space station project I talked about previously for sci-fi skirmish (possibly Oldhammerish)
Lots of other stuff is ruminating as well. What can I say, I'm a gaming magpie from way back. In the meantime, I'm trying to read more history, historical fiction, self-help, US Army doctrine publications and even the occasional hobby magazine!
I'm a busy guy. Part of this little pause has been taken up with some thought, soul searching, prioritizing, planning, and figuring what the hell I'm doing next. Part of that is going to take me becoming more personally disciplined in how I go about things. I've never scheduled "free time" before, but I might have to start.
We're all busy. So, I hope you can understand why I might be late with the podcast. I hope you'll forgive me. One of these days, you might even think what I produce was worth what you paid for it.
What really happens after we die is a question that has plagued mankind for probably most of our existence. With the rise in technology there are all sort of new options being explored. Here writer Addison Heimann creates a story told by director Ursula Ellis of what some of that might be like.
Ava in the End was screened at the 2019 FilmQuest film festival (website). It was nominated for Best Sci-Fi Short, Best Director (Ursula Ellis), Best Actress (Elisa Gay).
There is some rough language in this short film, finding out you're dead can create some stress. But there is some fun presentation in this comedy/sci-fi.
Synopsis: After tripping over her dog and dying, a young woman wakes up in a virtual purgatory and waits for her mind to be downloaded into a new body.
Both Ursula Ellis and Addison Heimann share their inspiration for creating Ava in the End. They also talk about other work they are doing and what inspired them to become filmmakers. They have more about themselves like wanting to make a DnD movie.
What was the inspiration for Ava in the End?
AH: I'm completely terrified of death. If there was an option for me to live forever in the cloud, I totally would do it. Absolutely, hands down, no question. So, when the atomic scientists moved the clock to two-and-a-half minutes to midnight, I dreamt up a world in which, you know, it was possible to live forever. And then I got dark with it because I'm not into writing things with happy endings.
UE: In visualizing the world of the film, we were inspired of course by Black Mirror, but I also drew from films that vary tonally and stylistically like Ex Machina, Upstream Color, 2001: A Space Odyssey, and The Signal. Mayer\Leyva's short #PostModern was a huge influence on how much I realized we could evolve our tone/world as well—I saw it as part of the Eyeslicer shorts at Cucalorus in 2017 and became immediately obsessed.
What project(s) do you have coming up you're excited about?
AH: My web-seriesKappa Force, about five sorority crime-fighters trying to destroy evil frat scum, will be released on the streaming platform REVRY October 27th. So look out for that!
UE: I recently released a couple of shorts online via NoBudge (This is Not a Love Song) and Seed&Spark (Crick in the Holler), both of which can be viewed on a device near you! But in terms of upcoming projects, I'm developing a few different shorts, features, and TV pilots, so we'll see which happens first!
What was your early inspiration for pursuing a career in film?
AH: Like every gay kid growing up in the early 2000s, Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
UE: I grew up an only child and moved a lot due to my dad's military career, so I spent a lot of time making up stories to keep myself company. When my dad deployed to Iraq, film and television in particular became my constant companions, and I saw how they could be used to help people process difficulties in their own lives.
But in terms of specifically genre films, my dad took me to see Dungeons & Dragons(the movie) when I was 10 or so, and I was totally in awe of this whole other world that the filmmakers created, seemingly from nothing (but really from a whole storied lore… I didn't know all that then, though). This first translated into playing a lot of Baldur's Gate alone in my room, but I think it also paved the way for my interest in creating characters and worlds of my own.
What would be your dream project?
AH: It's my dream to be a TV showrunner, so if I could write some kind of long running sci-fi/action-fantasy/horror and have all my collaborators work on it—it would be the dream.
UE: Honestly, now that I think about it, I would love to make a Dungeons & Dragons film—my 10-year-old self would be thrilled, and I know Larian Studios is making Baldur's Gate 3 right now, so there's definitely some franchise potential… But more broadly, I'm interested equally in writing and directing for both film and TV, across genres and tones.
What are some of your favorite pastimes when not working on a movie?
AH: There are other pastimes?
UE: My background prior to filmmaking is in music, and I still play guitar, sing, and write the occasional song to stay sane, as well as reading and getting out into nature as much as I can.
What is one of your favorite movies and why?
AH: Spirited Awayis my absolute all-time favorite movie. The music, the characters, the whimsy! Oh the whimsy! It's the movie I watch when I'm having an absolutely terrible day and I need a pick-me-up. 10/10 would recommend.
UE: I have way too many favorite movies, but in the vein of Ava in the End, I absolutely loved the 2nd season of The OA (which is basically one super long movie). The character development is so strong, the twists and turns of the narrative feel consistently original and unexpected, and the sincerity and compassion at the show's core is a bit of a revelation in our increasingly sardonic world. I really hope they pull a Twin Peaks and at least make a feature film to continue exploring that story.
Here is our trailer/social media/website info as well, and I've attached a few stills!
I'm working at keeping my material free of subscription charges by supplementing costs by being an Amazon Associate and having advertising appear. I earn a fee when people make purchases of qualified products from Amazon when they enter the site from a link on Guild Master Gaming and when people click on an ad. If you do either, thank you.
If you have a comment, suggestion, or critique please leave a comment here or send an email to
I have articles being published by others and you can find most of them on Guild Master Gaming on Facebookand Twitter(@GuildMstrGmng).
Welcome back - today, as we continue discussing the basics of Storium, I'm going to spend a little time on the concept of Refresh.
First, though, a bit about card spending: As you play Strength and Weakness cards, you'll notice they become unavailable for selection on future plays. Even once you reach the end of a scene, you'll find you won't have the cards that you already spent available to play again.
This is how Storium manages helping you tell the ups and downs of a character's tale. As you spend Strengths and Weaknesses, they become unavailable for use. You don't get any of them back until you've spent all of them. That is, you have to spend all your Strengths andall your Weaknesses before you get any of them back.
This is another reason I've said it is best to not play Storium tactically—the system is geared towards storytelling, and in storytelling, characters have ups and downs. This is actually really cool for developing a character arc, but that's somewhat beyond the basics - for more on that, see the links below.
So, say that you've spent all your Strengths and all your, it's time to Refresh.
At the beginning of the next scene, you'll get to Refresh your cards. When you click the button to do so (which replaces your button for writing a move), you are presented with a list of all the Strengths and all the Weaknesses that you've played in the game so far. You select some of each, and those become your new hand of Strength and Weakness cards. Simple as that!
Note that the number of cards you get to refresh is determined by settings for the individual games
But though it's a simple concept, don't just rush through.
This is your opportunity to define what is important in your character's story now. That may not match up with what was important in the beginning. Refreshes are a great way to show how your character has changed, or to show what elements of your character are stable. Pick the cards you want to focus on for the next chunk of the story.
Take some time to really think it over - what is important now? What do you want to say about your character now? Who is your character now? That's what a Refresh is about - not who you've been, but who you are now. Who you are going to be as the story moves forward from this point.
So...sure, who you are now might be just who you were in the past - you might just pick your starting Strength and Weakness, maybe something closely related to them too, and call it a day. But maybe things you've revealed about yourself since then have become more important. Maybe your Toughness was central to your character at the beginning, but since then, you've become focused on Leadership and Empathy, like I mentioned last time.
This is the point where you get to show take some time to think it through.
And remember: As with character creation, pick cards you want to play...not just cards you're willing to play. Just like at the start of the game, you want to pick things that excite you about using them. These cards are the things you will have in your hand, so they're the things you will have to play before you can Refresh again. So make them things that you want to play, not just things that you grudgingly put in your hand again.
For more on Refresh, see the below posts - but please be aware that since I wrote some of these, the Refresh rules did change somewhat. The philosophy still applies, but some of the mechanics will sometimes be a bit different. In particular, I believe you can now pretty easily choose to get rid of your starting Strength / Weakness in a Refresh because - if I'm recalling correctly - you can now choose any card multiple times in a Refresh. In the old days, that wasn't the case, so you'll see references here for how it will take multiple Refreshes to get a starting card out of your hand.
Similarly, these were written before custom card settings were a thing.
Still, I believe the philosophies discussed here can be helpful:
When: Saturday April 21, 2018, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday April 22 2018, 12 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Where: A new location this year: 5000 Commerce Parkway, Roswell, GA 30076. It's in the Roswell Town Center mall, around the back off Commerce Parkway. Please check the Google Map linked from the address, it's a little tricky to find the first time. This Map Link shows the entrance.
What: Speakers — Come hear first-hand accounts of events in computer history and informative technical presentations. We have again attracted some very interesting speakers this year! Check the Speakers link above more details. Exhibits (and exhibit registration) — Exhibits are presented Saturday and Sunday. You'll find computers from the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's. From PDPs to Commodores to Apples… Some exhibits contain pristine original machines, others painstakingly restored machines and others focus on unique modern hacks. You'll find all this and everything in between. We will also be having a sneak preview screening and feedback session for an upcoming documentary Love Notes to Newton(click link for a trailer) This will occur at 3 pm on Saturday. Hands On Activities — We offer a chance to let your inner engineer out. A very popular feature of our Festival is the chance to create your own electronic device. We have kits available for purchase (for everyone from complete beginner to those already handy with a soldering iron). We also expect to again have a demonstration area put on by the FIRST Robot team T\ They will be there to talk about their experiences at the FIRST competition as well. Consignment — We offer a consignment area as part of our show. We'll try our best to sell your vintage computer related items. Details are on the Consignment link. Please remember this isn't a flea market. Vendors — We invite folks who might have items that would be of interest to our audience to exhibit at our show as well. Register using the exhibits link. Concessions — We offer a concession area where you can get soft drinks, water, popcorn, etc. We also have Festival T-Shirts (and a few from previous years) along with some other computer related items. Click the link for a more detailed list.
For whom: Everyone! Computer geeks, families/children, STEM students, students, collectors, IT professionals, curious onlookers…
Battlefield 4 Free Download game setup in single direct link. Its famous war action game with latest weapons and technology tactics.
Battlefield 4 Overview
Battlefield 4 is a first person shooter game. It is developed under the banner of EA Digital Illusions CE for Microsoft Windows. It was released on 29th October 2013 and Electronics Arts published this game. It is the fourth game in the series of Battlefield. You can also download Battlefield 3.
This game sets in the year of 2020, almost six years after the events of the previous installment. In this game we see a conflict between the two giant of the world Russia and America. This conflict leads to severe tension between these two countries. Moreover China is also in crisis as Admiral Chang plots to end the current government. And if he prospers in this plan then he will get support from Russia to start war with America. You will have to control Sgt. Daniel Recker who is the commander of a US Special Operations squad. There are many other characters included in this game. Also you will see the return of Dimitri Mayakovski who was included in the predecessor game. You may also like to download Battlefield 2142.
The gameplay of Battlefield 4 retains many features from the previous installment. Although this game have many modifications and additions as well. There is a facility provided to the color blind people that they can change the on screen indicators. Player can use dual-scoped weapons which divide into automatic and semi-automatic fire. This game features Single Player mode, Campaign Mode and Multiplayer Mode. Altogether this game has many new additions which will probably make you feel amazing. Battlefield Vietnam is another game that you can download.
Features of Battlefield 4
Following are the main features of Battlefield 4 that you will be able to experience after the first install on your Operating System.
Impressive 1st person shooting game.
4th game in the battlefield series.
Set in the year 2020.
Retains features from its predecessor.
Facility provided for color blinded people.
Single player, Campaign mode and Multiplayer modes supported.
Impressive graphics.
System Requirements of Battlefield 4
Before you start Battlefield 4 Free Download make sure your PC meets minimum system requirements.
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CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo or later.
Hard Disk Space: 30GB
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